The Kitty Finance roadmap is currently in progress and may be subject to change. As a protocol, it is important to understand the importance of adaptability.
Here is a list of features Kitty Finance will be implementing:
Single stake asset pools for $KITTY (peg token), $CAT (share token) and $sKITTY (bond token), which will give out $CAT as a reward.
Add a function to wrap both $CAT as well as $KITTY. $wCAT is now needed for the single stake $CAT pool.
Create a limited order system for the bond redeem function.
Introduce a zap-like feature for new participants in the protocol.
Use part of DAO funds to create protocol-owned liquidity (POL).
Use part of the DAO to gain more funds in case we need to buy back in the future.
Partnerships with various projects in ecosystem to improve utility of both $KITTY and $CAT.
NFT release with some use cases.
Farming on partner networks to earn both $CAT and partners' tokens, which we can use for a higher APR.
Multi-chain competitions are on the horizon.
Use of $KITTY and $CAT as collateral to borrow stablecoins.
Implement some of TradeFi into DeFi using $KITTY/$CAT as the main tokens.
Last updated